55 research outputs found

    GridCertLib: a Single Sign-on Solution for Grid Web Applications and Portals

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    This paper describes the design and implementation of GridCertLib, a Java library leveraging a Shibboleth-based authentication infrastructure and the SLCS online certificate signing service, to provide short-lived X.509 certificates and Grid proxies. The main use case envisioned for GridCertLib, is to provide seamless and secure access to Grid/X.509 certificates and proxies in web applications and portals: when a user logs in to the portal using Shibboleth authentication, GridCertLib can automatically obtain a Grid/X.509 certificate from the SLCS service and generate a VOMS proxy from it. We give an overview of the architecture of GridCertLib and briefly describe its programming model. Its application to some deployment scenarios is outlined, as well as a report on practical experience integrating GridCertLib into portals for Bioinformatics and Computational Chemistry applications, based on the popular P-GRADE and Django softwares.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure; final manuscript accepted for publication by the "Journal of Grid Computing


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    Enabling scientists to use remote distributed infrastructures, parametrizeand execute common science-domain applications transparently is actual anda highly relevant field of distributed computing. For this purpose a general so-lution is the concept of Science Gateways. WS-PGRADE/gUSE system offersa transparent and web-based interface to access distributed resources (grids,clusters or clouds), extended by a powerful generic purpose workflow editorand enactment system, which can be used to compose scientific applicationsinto data-flow based workflow structures. It’s a generic web-based portal so-lution to organize scientific applications in a workflow structure and executethem on remote computational resources. As the portal defines nodes as black-box applications uploaded by the users, it does not provide any applicationspecific interface by default. In this paper we show what kind of tools, APIsand interfaces are available in WS-PGRADE/gUSE to customize it to have anapplication specific gateway

    A Meta-Brokering Framework for Science Gateways

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    Recently scientific communities produce a growing number of computation-intensive applications, which calls for the interoperation of distributed infrastructures including Clouds, Grids and private clusters. The European SHIWA and ER-flow projects have enabled the combination of heterogeneous scientific workflows, and their execution in a large-scale system consisting of multiple Distributed Computing Infrastructures. One of the resource management challenges of these projects is called parameter study job scheduling. A parameter study job of a workflow generally has a large number of input files to be consumed by independent job instances. In this paper we propose a meta-brokering framework for science gateways to support the execution of such workflows. In order to cope with the high uncertainty and unpredictable load of the utilized distributed infrastructures, we introduce the so called resource priority services. These tools are capable of determining and dynamically updating priorities of the available infrastructures to be selected for job instances. Our evaluations show that this approach implies an efficient distribution of job instances among the available computing resources resulting in shorter makespan for parameter study workflows

    MiCADO -Microservice-based Cloud Application-level Dynamic Orchestrator

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    Various scientific and commercial applications require automated scalability and orchestration on cloud computing resources. However, extending applications with such automated scalability on an individual basis is not feasible. This paper investigates how such automated orchestration can be added to cloud applications without major reengineering of the application code. We suggest a generic architecture for an application level cloud orchestration framework, called MiCADO that supports various application scenarios on multiple heterogeneous federated clouds. Besides the generic architecture description, the paper also presents the first MiCADO reference implementation, and explains how the scalability of the Data Avenue service that is applied for data transfer in WS-PGRADE/gUSE based science gateways, can be improved. Performance evaluation of the implemented scalability based on up and downscaling experiments is presented

    Preface Volume 30, Issue 3

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    AbstractOne of the main areas of research in logic programming is the design and implementation of sequential and parallel (constraint) logic programming systems. This research goes broadly from the design and specification of novel implementation technology to its actual evaluation in real life situations. A series of workshops on Implementations of Logic Programming Systems, previously held in Budapest (1993), Ithaca (1994), Portland (1995), Bonn (1996), Port Jefferson (1997), Manchester (1998) and Las Cruces (1999) provided a forum for ongoing research on the design and implementation of sequential and parallel (constraint) logic programming systems.This volume contains a collection of papers presented at the Workshop on Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint) Logic Programming, held in Las Cruces on December 1st, 1999, in conjunction with ICLP'99. The workshop was sponsored and organised by COMPULOG AMERICAS. The workshop also received support from the Association for Logic Programming and from the Department of Computer Science, New Mexico State University.Papers from both academia and industry were invited. Preference was given to the analysis and description of implemented systems (or currently under implementation) and their associated techniques, problems found in their development or design, and steps taken towards the solution of these problems.Topics included, but were not limited to: •standard and non—standard sequential implementation schemes (e.g., generalization/modification of WAM, translation to C, etc.);implementation of parallel logic programming systems;balance between compile-time effort and run-time machinery;techniques for the implementation of different declarative programming paradigms based on, or extending, logic programming (e.g., constraint logic programming, concurrent constraint languages, equational-logic languages);performance evaluation of sequential and parallel logic programming systems, both through benchmarking and using real world applications;other implementation-related issues, such as memory management, register allocation, use of global optimisations, etc.We were very fortunate to have so many interesting research papers, ranging over widely different subjects and giving a broad coverage of current research in sequential and parallel implementation of logic programming systems. Papers on sequential logic programming systems, focus on varied topics: constraint evaluation, support for extensions to logic programming, and abstract machines for performance evaluation. Papers on parallel logic programming systems also focus on diverse topics ranging from distributed implementations, garbage collection, to optimisations for exploiting and-or parallelism.The editors would like to thank all authors that chose to submit their work to this book, and also for their cooperation in making this document possible. We would also like to thank all referees involved in assessing the papers in this special volume.This volume will be published as volume 30, Issue 3 in the series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS). This series is published electronically through the facilities of Elsevier Science B.V. and its auspices. The volumes in the ENTCS series can be accessed at the URL http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs March 14, 2000Horst Reiche

    An approach for virtual appliance distribution for service deployment

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    Fulfilling a service request in highly dynamic service environments may require deploying a service. Therefore, the effectiveness of service deployment systems affects initial service response times. On Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud systems deployable services are encapsulated in virtual appliances. Services are deployed by instantiating virtual machines with their virtual appliances. The virtual machine instantiation process is highly dependent on the size and availability of the virtual appliance that is maintained by service developers. This article proposes an automated virtual appliance creation service that aids the service developers to create efficiently deployable virtual appliances in former systems this task was carried out manually by the developer. We present an algorithm that decomposes these appliances in order to replicate the common virtual appliance parts in IaaS systems. These parts are used to reduce the deployment time of the service by rebuilding the virtual appliance of the service on the deployment target site. With the prototype implementation of the proposed algorithms we demonstrate the decomposition and appliance rebuilding algorithms on a complex web service. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved